It is a procedure that determines how well your heart and blood vessels are working. In echo stress testing, the heart is imaged with ultrasound at rest and then again immediately following stress. With stress the heart beats faster and more vigorously and therefore, more blood flow is required. If there is a blockage severe enough to limit blood flow, that area of the heart will not work as well as compared to normal areas.
A stress test usually involves walking on a treadmill wherein your heart rhythm, blood pressure and breathing are monitored. It shows how your heart works during physical activity. Because exercise makes your heart pump harder and faster, an exercise stress test can reveal problems with blood flow within your heart
A Doppler echo is often done at the same time in order to determine how the blood flows in your heart. The swishing sounds you hear during the test indicate blood flowing through the valves and chambers. It reveals the speed and direction of blood flow within the heart. It is helpful in evaluating valve function.
2D Echocardiography can provide excellent images of the heart, paracardiac structures, and the great vessels. During a standard echo, the sound waves are directed to the heart from a small hand-held device called a transducer, which sends and receives signals. From the pictures it is possible to measure the size of each part of your heart, to study motion and appearance of the valves and the function of the heart muscle.
A cardiovascular consultation is usually requested by your clinic, internist or someone who wishes to have a cardiac specialist (cardiologist) use his or her expertise to evaluate you. It usually starts with speaking to you and examining you, reviewing any pertinent records available and possibly doing further diagnostic testing.
Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the endocrine glands. The endocrine system is composed of a group of glands that produces and regulates hormones. An endocrinology consultation focuses on identifying the probable cause/s of the problem and recommending an ideal treatment method.
It implies that a patient can proceed with surgery and will have no risk for complications. It is also to assess what medical problems are present and how those problems might affect a patient’s operative risk. The evaluation is further helpful for determining factors or interventions that may mitigate that risk. It also offers both the patient and the surgeon some realistic expectations of what complications may arise during or after surgery.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test which measures the electrical activity of your heart to show whether or not it is working normally.